We work in small, dedicated teams to build relationships and trust

United Kingdom
+44 0845 004 3774

Our Purpose

We make good companies great.

Our mission is to make a lasting difference to our clients through better outcomes, performance and results.

Combining astute trend forecasting with decades of business advisory experience, our experts bring an implicit understanding of the practicalities of real businesses with real boards.

We plan, facilitate, execute and report on all aspects of corporate governance including, director reviews, board reviews, CEO evaluations, conflict resolution, strength evaluation, and company secretary and training services. But we don’t do governance for governance’s sake.

Whether you choose to partner with us on a board review or for strategic planning and facilitation, your team is handpicked to help you be a better company—today and in the future. And we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Our expertise

A global team of experts
working across cultures,
borders and languages.

Founder John Harte started Integrity Governance to show businesses how to make governance work for them. That’s why we offer a suite of end-to-end, bespoke board governance services. Now well over 15 years old, we continue to bring together the best talent in the world to help privately owned, not-for-profit, family owned, public listed businesses and government organisations deliver better results.

Our consultants have years of experience in corporate governance, board and director review, strategic planning and facilitation, business advisory, CEO evaluation and assessment, director and executive skills assessment, strengths evaluation and training, company secretarial services and conflict resolution.

Meet the team