Conflict Resolution

Is conflict creating disharmony within your board? We can help deepen your understanding of fellow board members and guide you towards finding your own solutions

Our expertise

Helping boards and businesses to initiate change

Our experienced team comprises licenced investigators, industry-leaders in workplace health and safety, forensic accountants, human resources practitioners, and more. When professionalism, objectivity, discretion and confidentiality are essential for success – our specialists can be there to help board members or owners. We’re available to facilitate productive conflict resolution discussions either in the privacy of your own boardroom or any other suitable location convenient for all participants involved.

Our process

We’ll help get you ready to talk through the issues

Instead of completely disregarding ideas, we encourage the exploration of possibilities to turn around any adverse situation. Our method centres on protecting the group from the individual, and the individual from the group, through respecting natural justice, due process and the integrity of the organisation. We are available to resolve disputes in the privacy of your boardroom or at a neutral space that suits everyone involved.

Our goal

We’re here to help you transform negative conflict into positive outcomess

Moving to constructive conflict fosters objective discussion and decision making, and we’re here to assist in  transforming negative conflict into positive outcomes. You’ll comply with appropriate laws and regulations, all while keeping business goals in sight. And you’ll build a a more robust board and strengthen the working relationships within it.

[ Testimonials Slider (collapsed to save space) ]

The review of the Board and Individual directors conducted by Integrity Governance provided an objective, caring and sensitive opportunity for our board to reflect on our performance and how we continue to develop for the future.
The review conducted by Integrity Governance marked a step change in the way our board operates and in our performance.
Thank you for bringing objectivity and a creative approach to our board review.
Thank you – great process, great outcomes, thank you.

How can we help you?